Friday, July 29, 2005

Cadillac signs, reports to training camp

Yahoo! Sports - NFL - Cadillac signs, reports to training camp: "I stressed to my agent that I definitely wanted to be there on the first day, compete for a starting job and contribute to the team as soon as possible"

To me, this is a sign that we may have signed the wrong guy. Nothing endears a player to fans more than someone who is commited to getting to work and who works hard than a player like Cadillac Williams. I hope I am wrong, really wrong on this. - Slim Tim.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bears sign rookie QB Orton to four-year contract

Chicago Bears: "Bears sign rookie QB Orton to four-year contract"

So, this has to be the best news so far this offseason. Kyle Orton needs to get in camp on time, while C. Benson can get there and excel purely based on talent. Congrats Bears!
- SlimTim