Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Chicago Bears getting no respect...

Yahoo! Sports - NFL - Patriots meet Moss as big favorites: "Chicago (plus 6) at Washington"

Firstly, DAVE GOLDBERG, AP Football Writer has the Redskins winning 11-4. What the heck kind of score is 11-4? Now, I could see the Bears getting two safeties... but to then not convert even one of those safeties into at least a field goal.... ALL GAME. Two safeties? I know their offense is not that great, but we have Jerry Azumah returning kickoffs... Man, 11-4 - no respect.

Secondly, there's the now infamous 32nd in the league pick by SI's Dr. Z. Again, no respect.

Lastly there is the Vegas odds, at 40/1... I might have to throw down some $$$ on that bet. - no respect.

This year, the Bear are going to have to prove people wrong and gain back some of that respect.

- Slim Tim.

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